After vigorous testing, frogging, and re-doing; the patterns is finally finished and listed FREE at RAVELRY for limited time only. If you do download the PDF please give me your feedback, I will appreciate it very much. The videos is being edited and will be uploaded to youtube asap. Thanks for all of you who patiently wait for this.
Note: Please do not copy paste the pattern below as a way of sharing it but link it to my blog instead. If you prefer the PDF version please download from Ravelry. It is free until further notice.
All levels
Irtati Hasan Wibisono
Height: 13 inches
Diameter (distance between the longest tip of the petals): 6.5 inches
- Balinese cotton yarn or substitute with mercerized crochet cotton thread size 5 in any colors. In this pattern I uses cream, purple, lilac, red, fuchsia, pink.
- ICE yarn 100% acrylic in dark green.
22, 24, and 26 gauge craft wire.
Floral stem wrapping tape (0.5 in in diameter).
Hook: C/2.75mm and 3.75mm
Balinese cotton: 7 sc = 1 inches
ICE yarn: 4 sc = 1 inches when two strands are crocheted together
Pattern Note
This pattern is for two different shape of flowers in one.
All of the petals for the red flower were made in the same way as the Side Petals. The only difference is the amount of the starting chains. Increase the number of chains for center petal by 3. If you wish to have a frillier edging like the purple flower, use the central petal pattern below for all the three petals.
All stitches are worked in round.
Cut the wires as follows:
Anther and its cap: 26-gauge, 7 inch: 2 pieces
Petals and sepals: 24-gauge: 7 inches: 6 pieces
Leafs: 22-gauge: 22 inches: 4 pieces.
Use safety glasses when cutting the wires.
ch = chain
sc = Single Crochet
sl st = Slip Stitch
2 sc in 1 = 2 single crochet in one stitch (increase)
sc2tog = single crochet 2 stitches together (decrease)
PM: Place Marker (I use a small piece of yarn in different color)
Using cream and leaving 6 inches tail, make 2ch.
R1: 8sc into 2nd ch from hook, join with sl st. 1ch.
R2: 1c in same ch-1 sp, 1sc in each st around, join with sl st, 1ch.
R3: (sc2tog) 4 times, sl st to first sc, fasten off yarn.
Anther Cap
Using cream and leaving 6 inches tail, chain 5.
R1: Hold the 26-gauge wire between the hook and the yarn, yo and pull up a loop over the wire, tighten to secure the wire in place, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of next 3 st, 3sc in next st, do not turn, position the center of the wire at the last sc you just made, bend the wire gently toward the other end; sc in each of next 3st, pinch and hold both wires and position it above the yarn, sl st to first sc, 1ch.
R2: 1sc in same ch-1 space, 1sc in each of next 4 st, (2sc in 1 st) 2 times, sc in each of next 4 st, join with sl st to first sc, 1ch.
R3. 1sc in same ch-1 space, sc in each of next st around, join with sl st to first sc, 1ch, fasten off.
Sepals (make 3)
Using purple and leaving 6 inches tail, chain 15.
R1: 1sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of next 12 st, 3sc in next st, Carry the tail inside the stitches, 12sc, 2sc in last st, joins with sl st to first sc.
R2: Hold the 22-gauge wire in between the hook and the yarn, 1ch over the wire, sc in same ch-1 sp, PM, 13sc, position the center of the wire at the corner st and bend it gently to surround the perimeter of the stitches toward the other end, (2sc in 1) 2 times, 14sc, pinch and hold both wires and position it above the yarn, 1sc, join with sl st to first sc.
R3: PM, 14sc, (2sc in 1) 3 times, 15sc, hold both wires above the yarn, 1sc, 1sc in 1 in next st, join with sl st to first sc.
R4: PM, 15sc, (2sc in 1) 3 times, 17sc, hold both wires above the yarn, 2sc. Cut the yarn 7 inches from the last then pull it out through the last sc, Insert hook below the two loops on the first sc, yo, pull up the loop completely through the loops. Insert the hook from below the back loop at the last sc and pull the yarn through to the the back of the leaf. Gent pull and wind the it several times to the wire and tie a knot to secure the the end.
Side Petals (make 2)
Using purple and leaving 6 inches tail, chain 15.
R1: 1sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of next 12 st, 3sc in next st, Carry the tail inside the stitches, 12sc, 2sc in last st, joins with sl st to first sc.
R2: Hold the 22-gauge wire in between the hook and the yarn, 1ch over the wire, sc in same ch-1 sp, PM, 13sc, position the center of the wire at the corner st and bend it gently to surround the perimeter of the stitches toward the other end, (2sc in 1) 2 times, 14sc, pinch and hold both wires and position it above the yarn, 1sc, join with sl st to first sc.
R3: PM, (2sc in 1) in all st around, join with sl st to first sc.
R4: PM, sc in all st around, join with sl st to first sc.
R5: PM, sc in all st around, join with sl st to first sc.
R6: Insert hook in same joining st, pick up cream, (sc, 3ch, sc) in same sp, (sc in next st, sc, 3ch, sc in next st) Repeat around, join with sl st to first sc, fasten off.
Center Petals
Using lilac and leaving 6 inches tail, chain 13.
R1: 1sc in 2nd ch from hook, 10sc, 3sc in next st. Carry the tail inside the stitches, sc in each of next 11 st.—25sc.
R2: Hold the 24-gauge wire in between the hook and the yarn, sc in same joining sp, PM, 11sc, position the center of the wire at the corner st, bend the wire gently toward the other end, (2sc in 1) 2 times, 12sc, pinch and hold both wires and position the wire above the yarn, join with sl st to first sc—28sc
R3: 1sc in same joining sp, PM, 12sc, (2sc in 1) 3 times, 13sc, join with sl st to first sc—32sc.
R4: 1sc in same joining sp, PM, 13sc, (2sc in 1 st, 1sc) 5 times, 14sc, join with sl st to first sc—38sc.
R5: 1sc in same joining sp, 38sc, join with sl st—39sc.
R6: 1sc in same joining sp, PM, 4sc, (2sc in 1) 5 times, 5sc, (2sc in 1) 10 times, 5sc, (2sc in 1) 5 times, 4sc, join with sl st to first sc.
R7: 1sc in same ch-1 sp, 5sc, (2sc in 1) 10 times, 5sc, (2sc in 1) 20 times, 5sc, (2sc in 1) 10 times, 5sc, join with sl st to first sc, fasten off.
R 8: Insert hook in same joining st, pick up cream, (sc, 3ch, sc) in same sp, (sc in next st, sc, 3ch, sc in next st) Repeat around, join with sl st to first sc, fasten off.
Note: Increase the number of the starting chains for a longer leaf. To make a wider leafs crochet 2 more rounds increasing stitches at the tip of the leaf by making (2 sc in 1) 5, 7 more times respectively.
Material: ICE Yarn Dark Green, 100% acrylic, ft 27442.
Crochet double strands and leaving 6 inches tail, chain 15.
R1: 1sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of next 12 st, 3sc in next st, Carry the tail inside the stitches, 12sc, 2sc in last st, joins with sl st to first sc.
R2: Hold the 22-gauge wire in between the hook and the yarn, 1ch over the wire, sc in same ch-1 sp, PM, 13sc, position the center of the wire at the corner st and bend it gently to surround the perimeter of the stitches toward the other end, (2sc in 1) 2 times, 14sc, pinch and hold both wires and position it above the yarn, 1sc, join with sl st to first sc.
R3: PM, 14sc, (2sc in 1) 3 times, 15sc, hold both wires above the yarn, 1sc, 1sc in 1 in next st, join with sl st to first sc.
R4: PM, 15sc, (2sc in 1) 3 times, 17sc, hold both wires above the yarn, 2sc. Cut the yarn 7 inches from the last then pull it out through the last sc, Insert hook below the two loops on the first sc, yo, pull up the loop completely through the loops. Insert the hook from below the back loop at the last sc and pull the yarn through to the the back of the leaf. Gently pull and wind the it several times to the wire and tie a knot to secure the the end.
Preparing the leafs and petals:
Cut 15 inches of thread, fold in half and connect it to the center bottom part of the leaf. Pull the thread gently toward the wire. Using flower tape, wrap around the wire and the threads till the end of the wires. Repeat for the rest of the leafs and petals except the center petal, anther and cap.
Cut 10 inches of wire, fold it in half. Insert the wire into the center of the anther and pull it down gently passing through some of the stitches at bottom part. Put together the anther and its cap, wrap with flower tape.
Pick up the center petal. Hold it right side facing up and place the anther facing down toward the petal. Hold together and wrap with flower tape.
Gather together all the flower elements. Using 26 gauge wire, wrap around the neck of the flower several times to secure them together (do not cut the wire). Attach a leaf at about 4 inches from the neck of the flower. Attach remaining leafs about 1 inches apart, finish the wire wrapping. Using flower tape, wrap around the stem starting form the neck of the flower all the way to the end of the stem.
Arrange the flower in a vase (pattern not included).
Please do not hesitate to email me for any questions or comments or different ideas to make it better and spread the words about my blog to others so they can make one too.
Happy crocheting.
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